西北俄克拉荷马州立大学 官网

(Northwestern Oklahoma State University)
美金 20027
新闻与传媒 工程类专业 科学/数学
101 Whitehurst Hall Stillwater, OK 74078
N/A QS排名
243 U.S.News






  Alva -- Main Campus

  Northwestern`s main campus is located in Alva, a city of nearly 6,000 residents in northwest Oklahoma. Alva is located just 14 miles south of the Kansas border. Alva is approximately 115 miles northwest of Oklahoma City and 100 miles southwest of Wichita, Kansas.

  Northwestern`s main campus offers students a traditional on-campus college experience by living in university housing, dining in the cafeteria or Student Center Snack Bar, participating in campus media activities, attending home athletic events, going to university-sponsored concerts or plays, and more.

  At Northwestern`s Alva campus, students can choose from more than 40 areas of study to earn their Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degrees, and offers complete master`s degree programs in education and counseling psychology.

  Enid Campus

  Northwestern Oklahoma State University-Enid assists a diverse population, including adult learners, achieve their career and educational goals by providing local, affordable access to higher education by offering upper-level courses leading to the bachelor’s degree and complete graduate degree programs in a positive, student-centered, technology-enriched learning environment that promotes service and excellence.

  Offers upper-division courses for completion of bachelor`s degrees in 13 areas including accounting, business administration, computer science, E-commerce, education (elementary, secondary, special), general studies, history, nursing (RN, LPN Completion), political science, psychology, social work, sociology and technical management.

  Offers complete master`s degree programs in education and counseling psychology, and co-ops with two other universities to offer a master of business administration degree.

  Many students take advantage of the cooperative agreements between Northwestern and Northern Oklahoma College and make a smooth transition to Northwestern for completion of their four-year degree. Many other students come to finish a degree started earlier in life or transfer in coursework from other institutions.

  Woodward Campus

  Northwestern Oklahoma State University-Woodward provides convenient access to higher education opportunities to a diverse population, including non-traditional students, to assist them in meeting education and career goals in a supportive environment, and to improve the quality of life in Woodward and the surrounding area.

  Northwestern dedicated its new building in Woodward in September 2008. It offers students all classes for general education requirements and offers complete undergraduate degrees.

  Offers complete master`s degree programs in education and counseling psychology, and co-ops with one university to offer a master of business administration degree.

  Students attending classes at Northwestern-Woodward are able to take the same types of undergraduate courses that are available at Northwestern`s main campus in Alva.

学生来源地国家(Countries Represented)
学校简介 俄克拉荷马大学是一所四年制的公立大学,是美国*的综合性研究型大学。俄克拉荷马大学成立于1890年,这个时间距离俄克拉 荷马州正式成立还早17年。俄克拉荷马大学在教育、科研、文化、健康护理等领域起着重要的作用。大学主要的*部门设在诺曼校园Norman campus,而大学的健康科学中心则设在俄克拉荷马城Oklahoma City,该健康科学中心下属设有7个职业学院,是美国4个综合性的*健康中心之一。另外,大学的诺曼校园和健康科学中心还分别在塔尔萨市Tulsa的 Schusterman中心开设了项目。俄克拉荷马大学每年的运作资金达到14亿8千万美元。 学生情况 俄克拉荷马州立大学目前学生人数为2.9万多人,其中研究生4500多人,研究生中有16%为外国学生,1/3的学生有TA、RA的资助。 教学资源 俄克拉荷马大学是Universities Research Association(URA)成员之一。URA成立于1965年,总部在华盛顿特区,由美国总统顾问委员会和美国国家科学院直接管理,是由美国83所 *研究型大学以及来自加拿大(麦基尔大学、多伦多大学)、日本(早稻田大学)和意大利(比萨大学)的4所**高校所组成的国际联盟,其宪章是以国家 利益为目的支持成员大学。俄克拉荷马大学的图书馆The Bizzell Memorial Library系统,是该州*大的研究型图书馆(珍藏伽利略、查尔斯狄更斯等人手稿),是Big-12联盟中第二大研究型图书馆,位列北美113个大型研 究型图书馆第27位,同时也是美国国家历史地标建筑. 校园环境 俄克拉荷马大学主要以学院式哥特建筑为主,巅峰代表是Bizzell Memorial Library和Evans Hall。俄克拉荷马大学Norman校区古典优美.
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