
四位*的临床医学研究工作人员即将收到英国医学研究联合会颇具盛誉的研究基金,这四位研究工作人员来源于爱丁堡学校斥资4900万新创建的女王医学研究院(Queen’s Medical Research Institute)。英国医学研究联合会奖励金,是给与临床医学博士后的研究基金,可出示四年的资产适用。这不仅能推进临床医学研究工作人员的研究专业技能,并能促其从博士后环节的研究与训炼变化到单独进行研究的环节。每一年英国医学研究会传出10份临床医学生物学家研究基金,它是2020年全英国*获得的该项研究基金。女王医学研究院校长Chris Haslett*教授说:可以得到医学研究联合会此项市场竞争激烈而颇具盛誉的研究基金,是这四位出色年青医学生物学家的一大考试成绩。另外,得到此项研究基金,对医学研究,针对将来女王医学研究院为英国及其全英国老百姓出示更强的健康服务,都造就了更加优异的自然环境。爱丁堡学校的这四位研究员是:1、小儿科内分泌失调医师Mandy Drake博士,2、肾炎技术专业医师( specialist registrar)Bryan Conway博士 ,3、内分泌失调和糖尿病患者层面的技术专业医师Moffat Nyirenda博士,4、临床医学老师Gareth Stewart博士,Stewart博士在肺部损害、修补和纤维化工艺层面拥有研究兴趣爱好。
注:specialist registrar 指在英国某一医学专业领域正接纳高級训炼,以求*后变成咨询顾问医师的人。
Prestigious Awards Benefit Medical Research Four outstanding clinical researchers based at The University of Edinburgh’s new £49m Queen’s Medical Research Institute are to receive highly prestigious Medical Research Council awards. The Medical Research Council (MRC) awards are post doctoral clinical fellowships and provide up to four years financial support. This enables clinical researchers to consolidate their research skills and make the transition from postdoctoral research and training to independent investigator.Up to ten Clinician Scientist Fellowships are awarded each year by the MRC, and the grants are the only awards to researchers in Scotland this year.Prof Chris Haslett, Director of the Queen’s Medical Research Institute commented, “The award of such renowned and highly competitive MRC fellowships is not only a major accomplishment for these four excellent young medical scientists, but also underpins the exceptional environment for medical research and the development of future treatments that the new Queen’s Medical Research Institute affords for Scotland and indeed Britain as a whole.”The four University of Edinburgh researchers are: Dr Mandy Drake, a paediatric endocrinologist; Dr Bryan Conway a specialist registrar in kidney disease; Dr Moffat Nyirenda, a specialist in endocrinology and diabetes; and Dr Gareth Stewart, a clinical lecturer with research interests in the field of lung injury, repair and fibrosis.