布里斯托高校将耗姿760万,修建一所纳米科学与量子信息内容中心。中心将建了全*“*清静”的试验室,其震动噪声和弦噪声的声音水准会极为低,对温度和气体流动性亦有严苛的操纵。中心的一个突显特性取决于多课程性,中心将集科学家、科学家、电子计算机科学家、技术工程师、一位数学家和科学家相当于一堂。 除开处理这一基本科学中的难懂难题之外, 中心还将对将来测算的发展趋势、通讯与环境卫生技术性及其先进材料(例如航天工业用料)等行业进行研究,院校财会人员Mike Phipps老先生说:“中心商务大厦的设计方案基本建设工作中将具有挑戰,可是中心建成后,会为在那里工作中的科学家出示真实国际级的试验场地。”Noah Linden*教授是纳米科学与量子信息内容中心工程建设责任人,他填补说:“新的研究中心将变成全球纳米科学行业设备更为优良的组织之一,布里斯托高校也会因而于数十年本质该研究行业处在*水平。中心的自然环境经过专业设计方案,对这儿的研究团队将是很大的激励。精英团队由来源于*各国的工院及药业行业的科技人员构成,是一个多课程和交叉学科的研究团队。根据*性能力相互影响和观念沟通交流,这一科学研究精英团队会愈来愈强盛。”

Setting the standards in NanoscienceA £7.6 million contract has been awarded to build a Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information in Bristol. The building will contain some of the ‘quietest’ labs in the world, with extremely low levels of vibrational and acoustic noise, and stringent controls on temperature and air movement.The development, awarded by the University of Bristol to Willmott Dixon Construction, will have to meet the most detailed constraints, due to the nature of working at the nano-scale.A distinctive characteristic of the Centre will be its interdisciplinarity, bringing together biologists, chemists, computer scientists, engineers, mathematicians and physicists, amongst others.As well as addressing deep questions in fundamental science, the research to be carried out in the building will offer opportunities for the development of future computing, communications and health technologies, as well as advanced materials, for example for the aerospace industry.Mike Phipps, the University’s Bursar, commented: “The design development of this building has been extremely challenging, but the result will be a truly world class experimental space for our scientists to work in. Sitting on solid rock, the location provides us with a unique site to build on. The design of the foundation will allow us to dampen out even the minutest of vibrations from the surrounding environment.”He continued: “The specification for the background vibration is right on the limit of current measuring technologies worldwide, which gives you an idea of the complexity of this project.”Professor Noah Linden, leader of the project to build the new Centre for Nanoscience and Quantum Information added: “This new building will be one of the finest nanoscience facilities in the world, designed to keep Bristol at the forefront of research for decades. Its purpose-designed environment will foster a multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary research community drawn from science, engineering, and medicine across the world, which will thrive through stimulating interactions and the exchange of ideas.”The four-storey concrete-framed structure will be located on Tyndall Avenue, at the heart of the University’s precinct, and will link through to the existing HH Wills Physics Laboratory. Contained within the new structure will be a variety of highly specialised laboratories, together with seminar rooms, offices, clean rooms and, most importantly, interaction spaces. Brian Drysdale, Managing Director of Willmott Dixon, added: “We are very excited to be involved in the development of such an important scientific facility in Bristol. Equally, we are proud to share the University’s vision to provide a unique, state-of-the art, facility that will attract key professorial talent and leading thinking in this field. The University has an outstanding reputation in terms of scientific advances and this new building will enable them to remain at the cutting edge.”