
培训费: (文科类)£6,480,(理工科类)£8,580,(医学类专业)£15,720,(学年度英文)3,320欧元 奖学金: 及时资产£237,930,申请办理通过率81%,均值奖助£400 来源于*和**的全部学生(除开根据代理来我院学习培训的学生)都是有资质享有免减*年培训费的10%的优惠。
入校规定: IELTS*少成绩:6.0 TOEFL*少成绩:550 开学时间: (冬天)9月21日,(春天)1月10日,(夏天)4月17日 住宿服务项目: 院校*证国外学生校园内住宿,自炊型住宿仅45英镑每星期,全部学生住宿均在徒步范畴以内 自炊式学生公寓楼: 40--60英镑/周 包餐式学生寝室: 85--95欧元/周 个人公寓楼(与别的学生同租):30--88欧元/周 联系方法: * 详细地址:University of Aberdeen Regent Walk, Aberdeen AB9 1FX * 电話: 44 (0)1224-272014 发传真: 44 (0)1224-272086 * E-mail详细地址:intoff@admin.abdn.ac.uk / admoff@admin.abdn.ac.uk * Web 详细地址:http://www.abdn.ac.uk/
How important is the personal statement? The personal statement is important mostly when the decision is very borderline. If somebody's grades are low, then the personal statement will give us some clues about whether they are suited to academic study.
What kind of information should I include in my personal statement?
I want to see that you have the ability to cope with things that are challenging. I want to see that you are willing to face obstacles, and confront difficulty. It has to show me that you are serious about studying. Even if your grades are low, we can give you the support you need to achieve, but we need to see that you are serious. Work experience or voluntary work is good to hear about, especially if it is challenging.