A Head Start ?What Admission Officers think?

"The Personal Statement is very important: it gives the applicant the opportunity to explain why they have chosen the course of study and the University and why they think they would perform well on the course. It also gives the applicant the opportunity to set out their unique features, which they feel should lead them to be ranked ahead of their peers."
University of Hertfordshire Head of the university admissions service
"At DMU, we are not looking only for students with a sound academic background - we seek students who are motivated and passionate about their subject area and have the potential to succeed in their studies. The graduate job market is competitive and we offer excellent preparation for both undergraduate and postgraduate students to enter or re-enter the world of work, but you have to be prepared to take advantage of the opportunities we offer if you are to succeed. The personal statement is a crucial part of the application process and can make the difference as to whether you are offered a place or not. This is especially true for courses where applicants are not invited to attend an interview. In these cases, the personal statement is the only chance to sell yourself and give a flavour of who you are."
De Montford University
"We are seeking aptitude, enthusiasm, willingness to learn and genuine passion for the subject. The personal statement is important as a way of gauging motivation and enthusiasm, and helps us to assess the character of the applicant ?what interests you and how you express yourself. Admissions tutors want to read statements that are clearly written and show what you are interested in the subject. Above all be honest ?it is easy to tell if work has been cribbed or copied."
University of East London - Carol Elliott, Head of Admissions; Hamid Jahankhani, Admissions Tutor, School of Computing