大量期待未来从业商业服务或是新闻媒体工作中的*学生现将还有机会从贝德福德大学得到 相对的学位。

英国广播电台BBC近期报导了大学的一次*和韩之行,贝德福德大学和北京师范大学厦门教学区建立了一个新的项目合作,这一新项目让商业服务和传播学专业的学生们能够从一个2 2(即2年北京,2年在贝德福德)的课程获得她们的学位。此项协作是建立在贝德福德大学与北京市大学早已建立的文化传媒、网络营销和沟通交流的协同学位课程的基本以上。
当贝德福德大学被纳入 泰晤士高等职业教育奖“本年度大学”备选名册的情况下,收获颇丰的一年在11月缓缓落下帷幕。
More Chinese students wishing to pursue a career in business and media will now have a chance to gain a degree from the University of Bedfordshire.
The BBC recently covered a University trip to China and South Korea, as Bedfordshire set up a new partnership with Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, which will enable Business and Media Studies students to complete a degree by spending two years in Beijing and two in Bedfordshire. The partnership builds on the joint degree programme the University has already set up with the Beijing University in Media, Marketing and Communications.
The University’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Les Ebdon, along with Harry Wang, RegionalDirector of the International Office, met with Chinese and Korean university representatives to discuss building further relationships in Asia. Professor Ebdon said: “This was a very important trip to seal our developing partnerships with China and Korea and to raise the profile of the University of Bedfordshire.”
Advanced discussions
“As well as securing the agreement with the Beijing Normal University Zhuhai, we extended contracts with the China Agricultural University in Beijing and advanced discussions with Liaocheng University in Shandong and the University of Suwon in Seoul, South Korea.
“This successful visit will result in more opportunities for Asian students to work and study in the UK.”
In pursuit of progress �C our successes in 2007
A year of progress was topped off in November, when the University of Bedfordshire was shortlisted for ’University of the Year’ in The Times Higher Awards 2007.
The prestigious awards brought together the UK’s leading education establishments to showcase top universities, with 90 per cent of UK universities entering the awards. While we narrowly missed out on the coveted crown, being a finalist reflected many successes in Bedfordshire, including:
1. Having the UK’s largest rise in university applications this year
2. A £60m facility investment at Bedford and Luton campuses
The judges also noted the University’s impressive leaps up various league tables, including The Times Good University Guide and The Guardian. All this in the same yearThe Times Higher Education Supplement placed the University 28th in the country for student satisfaction, as part of the National Students Survey. The survey also ranked courses in Journalism 5th in the country, Law 7th, Business 15th and Marketing 16th.