
Business Studies - BA (Hons) 商务研究
Combined Studies in Business BA (Hons) 商务综合性研究
Business Information Technology - BSc (Hons) 商务信息技术
Business Information Technology with Multimedia - BSc (Hons) 商务信息技术与多媒体
Business Information Technology with Network Technology - BSc (Hons)商务信息技术与网络技术
Computing BSc (Hons) 计算机
Computing with Multimedia BSc (Hons) 计算机与多媒体
Computing with Network Technology BSc (Hons) 计算机与网络技术
Software Engineering BSc (Hons) 软件工程
Software Engineering with Multimedia BSc (Hons) 软件工程与多媒体
Software Engineering with Network Technology BSc (Hons) 软件工程与网络技术
Interior Design CertHE/DipHE/BA (Hons)室内装饰设计
Fashion Design Cert HE / Dip HE / BA (Hons)服装设计
Textile Design Cert HE / Dip HE / BA (Hons)纺织品设计方案
Visual Communication CertHE/DipHE/BA (Hons) 视觉效果沟通交流