中英网3月12日讯 伦敦大学君王学院申请办理处负责人Director of AdmissionsPaul Teulon老先生将北京主持人两次主题为:“怎样申请伦敦国王学院”的研讨会,实际信息以下:

時间:2015年3月18日 中午六点到7点半
2015年3月20日 中午4点到5点半
伦敦大学君王学院(King’sCollege London)由英国国王乔治四世(King George IV)和曾任总统的*战略家、思想家惠灵顿公爵(Duke ofWellington)于1829年创立,是英国*历史悠久、**的高校之一,也是美国罗素大学*公司的组员之一。
伦敦大学君王学院位于纽约市区的泰晤士河畔,是**的“伦敦大学”(University of London)的建校学院之一。
伦敦大学君王学院的申请办理难度系数一直都非常大,许多 同学们请不清楚应当怎样有目的性的提前准备申报材料。
根据Paul Teulon老先生的研讨会,大伙儿能够得到**性和全方位的申请信息。
下列是Paul Teulon老先生的介绍:
“Paul Teulon is a leading authority on UK university admissions.A graduate of Cambridge University, he later became Head of Student Recruitmentat Oxford University before taking up his current post as Director ofAdmissions at King’s College London (currently ranked as one of the top 20universities in the world). He regularly delivers workshops for both studentsand professional education counsellors on how to write effective personalstatements when applying to the UK’s most competitive institutions.
This is a very rare and valuable chance for students in China toattend a presentation by Paul on personal statement writing technique, as wellas to find out more about King’s College London (though students not applyingto King’s are also welcome to attend).”