
如上,目前,并并不一定的英国大学和专业都启用了其2016年入校申请方式,也有极少数已截止申请,因此 ,学生们得看清自身提前准备申请的学校和课程内容是不是容许申请,今日就为诸位小结一下能够申请的英国大学和专业!
NO.1 牛津大学(University of Cambridge)
Undergraduate study
2016 entry(or deferred entry in 2017):UCAS application by 15 October 2015, 18:00(UK time)
COPA :an overseas application fee of £30
Graduate study
All deadlines:12 noon (midday)UK time on the date stated
MPhil in Advanced Chemical EngineeringDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology
MPhil in Advanced Computer ScienceFaculty of Computer Science and Technology
MSt in Advanced Subject TeachingMultiple departments
MPhil in African StudiesCentre of African Studies
MPhil in American HistoryFaculty of History
MPhil in American LiteratureFaculty of English
MPhil in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and CelticMultiple departments
PhD in Anglo-Saxon, Norse and CelticMultiple departments
PhD in Animal HealthAnimal Health Trust
PhD in Antarctic StudiesMultiple departments
MPhil in Applied Biological AnthropologyDivision of Biological Anthropology
MSt in Applied Criminology and Police ManagementMultiple departments
MSt in Applied Criminology, Penology and ManagementMultiple departments
MASt in Applied MathematicsDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical PhysicsDepartment of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
MPhil in Archaeological ResearchDivision of Archaeology
MPhil in ArchaeologyDivision of Archaeology
PhD in ArchaeologyDivision of Archaeology
PhD in ArchitectureDepartment of Architecture
MPhil in Architecture and Urban Design Department of Architecture
MPhil in Architecture and Urban Studies Department of Architecture
PhD in Asian and Middle Eastern StudiesFaculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Arabic Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Arabic Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Aramaic Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Chinese Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Chinese Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Hebrew Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Hebrew Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
MPhil in Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Japanese Studies)Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies