
“Please be aware that, in common with most of our courses, the XXXXX course has seen an unprecedented increase in the number of applications received this year. It is because of this factor, that we have not been able to make offers to all applicants. It was deemed that your academic qualifications, together with other aspects of your application were not ranked highly enough in comparison with those of other applicants with similar achievements. ”
Argue 取得成功指数★:它是*普遍的一种被拒叫法,看上去很官方网很客套,也是有感染力,实际上便是学校沒有看喜欢你,也不想给原因了。假如你确实很想要去这一高校得话,那能够了解学校是不是有可能转到别的的有关专业
“You failed to fulfill the entry requirements because your awarding institution is not ranked highly enough to satisfy our entry criteria.”
Argue 取得成功指数★★:那样的回应一般是学校都是有确立的排名规定的,Argue的概率较为迷茫,但是呢!有一种概率:实际上你的高校排名还不错,可是美国弄错你的学校名字了;例如你的学校以前拆换过姓名,英国大学在排名上找不着你的高校的姓名。这类乌龙茶還是有可能的哈!你只必须写一封情深意厚的信表明一下,让高校再次审批一下就可以。
“We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer them a place, as it was felt that the application did not meet the entry requirements for the course for the following reason(s):
Your academic qualification requires to have all modules with a score of above 80 %. You have not achieved the necessary standard.”
Argue 取得成功指数★★:这类状况也糟糕。假如你归属于综合性成绩沒有做到规定,可是假如专业关键课的成绩做到或是高过学校规定得话,能够为此为关键,向学校发送邮件表明状况。也有便是补缴原材料,小编解决过一个case,学生由于均分被学校拒绝了,小编让学生出示了一份完美无瑕的见习工作单位*,結果OFFER确实出来了。
“Unfortunately we are unable to make you an offer as you do not meet our academic requirements. You are currently achieving 80.05% overall which is the equivalent to a low 2:2