美国大学的硕士研究生课程会让出示你在大学本科期内的专业技能。有一个*重要的难题,基本上每一个学员都是会问起:“这一技术专业或是这一学士学位能要我寻找一份更强的工作中吗? ”尽管基础理论课堂教学拥有 十分关键的功效,可是有一份实习工作或是具体的工作经历也是画龙点睛,相比这些仅有学习好的竞争者而言,能更立即地表明你对这一份工作中的担任。

University of Greenwich (格林威治大学)
课程: MBA International Business
课程时长: 2 years
入学时间: September/January
实践期: 1-Year Integrated
University of West London(西英国大学)
课程: MA International Tourism and Aviation Management with Internship
课程时长:18 months
入学时间: September
实践期: 28 weeks
课程: MA Luxury Hospitality Management with Internship
课程时长: 17 months
入学时间: September
实践期: 24 weeks
课程: MSc Civil and Environmental Engineering with Internship
课程时长: 20 months
入学时间: January
实践期: 26 weeks
课程: MBA Graduate MBA with Internship
课程时长: 16 months
入学时间: January
实践期: 8 months
课程: MSc Applied Project Management with Internship
课程时长: 19 months
入学时间: September
实践期: 6 months
课程: MSc Information Systems with Internship
课程时长: 20 months
入学时间: September
实践期: 26 weeks
课程: MSc Software Engineering with Internship
课程时长: 20 months
入学时间: September
实践期: 26 weeks
London South Bank University(纽约龙洲湾大学)
课程: MSc Marketing/ MSc Marketing Communications/ MSc International Marketing
课程时长: 20 months
入学时间: September/January
实践期: 5 months
University of Leicester(莱特斯大学)
课程: Computer Science (MSc Programmes) Advanced Computational Methods/ Advanced Computer Science/ Advanced Distributed Systems/ Advanced Software Engineering/ Agile Software Engineering Techniques/ Cloud Computing/ Software Engineering for Financial Services/ Web Applications and Services
课程时长: 21-24 months
入学时间: October/ January
实践期: Up to 8 months (Integrated / Paid)
University of Northumbria, Newcastle Campus(诺桑比亚大学,纽卡斯尔教学区)
课程: MSc Business with Hospitality and Tourism Management
MSc Business with International Management
MSc Business with Financial Management
MSc Business with Marketing Management
课程时长: 2 years 入学时间: September
实践期: 1 year (Integrated/ Guaranteed, paid/unpaid)
University of Westminster(威斯敏斯特大学)
课程: MA Marketing Communications
课程时长: 1 year
入学时间: September/January
实践期: 8 weeks
Manchester Metropolitan University(墨尔本现代都市大学)
课程: MA International Events Management
课程时长: 1 year
入学时间: September
实践期: 1 year
Bournemouth University(斯旺西大学)
课程: MSc Events Management
课程时长: 2 years
入学时间: September/January
实践期: 30 week
Cardiff University(卡迪夫大学)
课程: MSc Computing
课程时长: 2 years
入学时间: September
实践期: 7-10 months
Coventry University(考文垂大学)
课程: Finance MBA
Management MBA
International Business MBA
International Sport Management MBA
Marketing MBA
课程时长: 1 year
入学时间: September/ January
实践期: 8-12 weeks
Royal Holloway, University of London(皇家霍洛威大学)
课程: MSc Computational Finance MSc Machine Learning MSc Data, Science