
1. 我们都知道一些学生取得了班戈有奖学金的offer。你要介绍一下邦戈的奖学金和国家助学金现行政策?
I heard some students got an offer with scholarship from Bangor. Would you please introduce Bangor’s scholarship and bursary policy?
2. 我想因为你的下一个难题是什么。你要了解怎样申请奖学金,对不对?我想是那样。
I think I know what your next question is. You want to know how to apply for those scholarships, right? I thought so.
3. 我很担忧我的英语,班戈有哪些方式吗?理论课或是语言班?
I’m worrying about my English, is there any pathway, foundation or pre-sessional course in Bangor?
4. 在邦戈高校的国际性学生的占比多少钱?会出现一些主题活动协助国际性学生融进班戈的文化的特点吗?
What about the proportion of international students in Bangor University? Will there be some activities help international students blend into the culture background of Bangor?
5. 班戈高校的优点技术专业有哪些?学什么专业有更强的发展前景?
Where is the advantage of Bangor University and what majors having a better future employment prospect?
6. 班戈的大学生就业状况怎样?高校与一些工业生产和商业服务产业链协作吗?
How is the employability of the graduates of Bangor? Does university cooperate with some industry and business facilities?