
在申请全过程中,学校接到申请后,假如符合规定,学校会电子邮件通告面试,小伙伴们一般不清楚该怎么提前准备,下边给大伙儿出示一些Guidance Notes(英语一部分出自杜伦MBA申请具体指导), 留意看哦~
1. *先学校怎么会分配面试?
a. To give you the opportunity to expand on the information you have already provided in your written application, particularly with regard to your management and professional experience. ( 学校期待见到根据申请原材料以外的扩展內容,特别是在管理方法和专业工作经验层面。)
b. To enable the School to find out more about you - and to enable you to find out more about the School and the MBA programme. (双重掌握,让学校掌握大量自身的信息,另外也进一步*自身针对申请学校和MBA课程的掌握)
c. To provide you with an opportunity to meet a member of University staff ‘face to face’ prior to the start date of the MBA programme. (还有机会和老师零距离沟通交流,*亲切感,MBA面试非常大可能是以后研究生课程老师哦,要好好地抓住机会哦~)
d. To help ensure the robustness of the School’s overall admissions policy and procedures in general. (*证学校招收现行政策的可靠性,按步骤走)
e. To demonstrate to you as an MBA applicant that the School approaches admissions and recruitment in a professional and thorough manner. (近距触碰到学校针对申请者全方位,专业的招收方法)
f. To enable school to emphasise to you, some of the key aspects of the MBA (eg the participative nature, of some of the Personal Development Components. (学校会给到申请者MBA课程的一些重要信息,针对之后职业发展规划和发展趋势十分有益)
2. 面试怎样提前准备
g. Read the MBA student specification. (掌握MBA课程的申请规定,假如刚做到或是差一点做到申请规定,必须考虑到假如从别的层面进一步*自己的优点)
h. Re-read your MBA application form to remind yourself what you have told us so far.
i. Be prepared to expand upon the information on your application form. The University is particularly interested in your professional experience. (学校针对申请者的专业工作经验是十分很感兴趣的,尤其是申请原材料以外的扩展內容)
j. Why do you want to study an MBA at our university? Be prepared to tell us your motives for studying an MBA and why you wish to study at our Business School in particular.(基础面试都是会碰到的难题,为何选择大家学校的MBA课程早已将来的一些整体规划)
k. We will want to reassure ourselves that, if offered a place on our MBA programme, you will participate fully in the programme and work well with students from a wide range of backgrounds. Hence think carefully about evidence you can provide which is relevant to these criteria.
3. 面试的一些基础难题
l. Self-introduction(简单自我介绍)
m. Why(为何选择来美国进修)
n. Why(为何选择申请XXXXX高校)
o. Why(为何选择学习培训这一专业)
p. Professional Experience(说说你一直在专业层面的历经)
q. Talent and Potential(申请优点在哪儿呢?为何要让你录用呢)
r. Career Planning(学习培训和职业发展规划)
s. Q