Section One: Listening Comprehension

Part A
1. (A) She has had the man's calculator since Thursday.
(B) The man's calculator is broken.
(C) The man may use her calculator.
(D) She'll return the man's calculator on Thursday.
2. (A) Buy a different kind of medicine.
(B) See a doctor.
(C) Take a second pill.
(D) Avoid taking any medication.
3. (A) He'll go running after his study group meeting.
(B) He doesn't agree with the woman about the weather.
(C) He doesn't like to go running.
(D) He'll go with the woman this afternoon.
4. (A) Another friend commented on his haircut too.
(B) The woman has mistaken him for another person.
(C) He decided to try a new barbershop.
(D) A different person cut his hair this time.
5. (A) The man shouldn't be surprised at how busy he is.
(B) The man should leave more time for his studies.
(C) The man should try to find a different job.
(D) The bookstore will be hiring more people.
6. (A) The woman should get more sleep.
(B) The woman may be sicker than she realizes.
(C) He isn't sick.
(D) He doesn't think the woman is sick.
7. (A) The art museum isn't open today.
(B) The number 42 bus doesn't run on Mondays.
(C) The man should wait for the number 42 bus.
(D) She has never taken the bus to the art museum.
8. (A) The man should buy a jacket instead of a suit.
(B) The green jacket doesn't fit as well as the blue one.
(C) The style of clothing is more important than the color.
(D) The man looks better in blue.
9. (A) The woman will get to her class on time.
(B) The woman should go to a different counter.
(C) He doesn't like sandwiches very much.
(D) He's having trouble deciding what to eat.
10. (A) Her sister's train is late.
(B) Her sister will visit in three months.
(C) She'll have to leave without her sister.
(D) She's eager to see her sister.
11. (A) She's pleased they were invited.
(B) Susan gave them the wrong directions.
(C) They'll probably be late for dinner.
(D) Susan's house is probably nearby.
12. (A) Buy some orange juice for the woman.
(B) Borrow some money from the woman.
(C) Drive the woman to the store.
(D) Pay back money the woman lent him.
13. (A) She hasn't worn the dress in a long time.
(B) She doesn't like the dress very much.
(C) She intends to give the dress to her sister.
(D) She doesn't remember where her sister bought the dress.
14. (A) She never cleans the apartment.
(B) She's doing a report with her roommate.
(C) She's too busy to clean the apartment.
(D) She doesn't like sharing an apartment.
15. (A) He'll try to finish the novel tonight.
(B) He liked the novel very much.
(C) He doesn't remember where he put the novel.
(D) He's looking forward to the next literature assignment.
16. (A) He doesn't like to wake up early in the morning.
(B) The woman seems unusually sad.
(C) There's no special reason for his good mood.
(D) He wasn't in a good mood when he woke up.
17. (A) Get a ride to the station with the woman.
(B) Take the woman to the station.
(C) Borrow the woman's car to go to the station.
(D)Drive his car instead of taking the train.
18. (A) Review the assignment by himself.
(B) Wait a few minutes before trying to phone John again.
(C) Ask one of John's housemates about the assignment.
(D) Go over to John's house.
19. (A) He won't vote for the woman.
(B) He may also run for class president.
(C) The woman already asked him for his vote.
(D) The woman should ask his roommate to vote for her.
20. (A) She isn't sure that the author's ideas would work.
(B) The author isn't an expert in economics.
(C) She has a better theory about the economy.
(D) The author spends too much time arguing about details.
21. (A) She doesn't agree with the man.
(B) The man doesn't need an official grade report.
(C) Official copies of grades used to be cheaper.
(D) The man should go to a different office.
22. (A) Take her bicycle to the repair shop.
(B) Leave her bicycle outside.
(C) Go to work when it stops raining.
(D) Check to make sure the garage is dry.
23. (A) Others should hear about the man's accomplishment.
(B) The man should avoid talking about his accomplishment.
(C) The man's parents helped him get the scholarship.
(D) The man's parents already told her about his scholarship.
24. (A) The course is too difficult,
(B) The professor changed his mind.
(C) The final exam was cancelled.
(D) The woman misunderstood the professor.
25. (A) The coffee used to taste better.
(B) He's surprised that the woman drinks coffee.
(C) He'd rather drink something other than coffee.
(D) The coffee tastes the same as before.