本文应用的存现结构出現了2个健身培训创作问题――句子冗长,弱性形容词过少。以"it is," "it was," "there is" or "there are"开始的句子绝大多数(并不是所有)全是存现结构。总体上说,一个存现结构一般都以沒有现实意义的"there" 或"it"开始(有时候也叫方式主语)。在存现结构中,"there"或"it"并不是当做主语的功效。换句话说,它沒有先行词。词沒有一切含意,仅仅一个占有室内空间的英语单词。这一无意义的主语后边会跟随"to be"动短语,例如"it seems"短语后边会跟随宾语。

• It was the final goal of the game that determined the state championship.
• There were two students at my summer camp who had severe psychological problems.
• It is Saturday when I get to spend time at the animal shelter.
• The final goal of the game determined the state championship.
• Two students at my summer camp had severe psychological problems.
• On Saturday I get to spend time at the animal shelter.
留意并不一定的"it is" "it was" "there is" 或 "there are"全是存现结构。假如"it" 或"there"指代一个真实的专有名词,就并不是存现结构。比如:
• I have always loved music. It is one of the most important parts of my life.
In this case, the word "it" in the second sentence refers to "music." No expletive construction exists.
上边的例文,非常好改为下列:"My parents made a simple rule that got me interested in the trumpet: no television or computer time until I had practiced for half an hour. This rule often angered me, but when I look back I know my parents knew best. Today I'll always pick up my trumpet before the television remote."