
After your written application has been submitted and reviewed, you may be invited to interview.
Post-Interview Reflection
Within 24 hours of the interview, candidates are required to submit a written reflection through our online application system.
Detailed instructions will be provided to those applicants who are invited to the interview process.
――MBA Admissions Harvard Business School
Attending business school is a major step. An MBA from Columbia will transform your career, equipping you with the skills, tools, and entrepreneurial spirit to succeed in any business environment, both today and decades down the line. You'll make lifelong friends and join a powerful, welcoming network of business leaders all over the world.
Use the slider below to explore the MBA application process, including essays, standardized tests, and the interview.
――Columbia Business School
Interviews provide you with the opportunity to present a different view of your credentials to the Admissions Committee. All applicants are strongly encouraged to choose Durham, NC, as their interview location on the application because coming to campus is the best way to learn about The Duke MBA and to experience the Team Fuqua culture.
Simon MBA Interview with Eileen Ketchoyian (Simon admission and part time MBA)
Eileen来源于admission可是另外也是Simon part time MBA。人非常好,响声很清楚,在沟通交流全过程中会得出”great”, ”that makes sense”这类的回应。一开始双重视频的,随后我讲互联网有点儿卡,Eileen就把她那里的视频关闭了。因此結果是我开了视频全过程冲着黑显示屏又哭又笑。
Eileen表明除开我的resume别的材料也没有看了,因此 大家就从resume开始了。
1. More about your work experience
讲过事务所三年工作经验。感觉财务审计很有趣,能够触碰到不一样的领域和management style,随后dig into a company的全过程challenging but interesting
2. Challenging experience as assistant manager? PSI.
3. 现在在干什么? Why quit 事务所?
由于亲人得病必须荣归故里,因此 辞职了。现在在自己的小firm做tax consulting,感觉是新的行业也蛮有意思的。
4. Why MBA now? Career goal? Why Simon?
由于梦想做CFO, 感觉必须strategic view和*problem solving skill,希望MBA在这些方面能帮我协助。长期性*显而易见便是CFO了,*内*是做assistant of executives。挑选Simon是由于:1. Diversity; 2. Curriculum; 3.career service; 4.beautiful river campus.
说到campus的情况下Eileen问说你在网上看过图么? 我说我不但看过我都google street view了,可是VPN很差每一次都会一条道上走30秒就断线了……
5. Plan after graduation American/home country?
6. Backup plan?
回事务所. Eileen问说有木有和事务所 agree好,回应说由于performance好因此 实际上回来的希望還是很大的。而且有manager和我讲热烈欢迎我回来,可是不清楚到时别人仍在没有了。
7. Travel experience in foreign countries
8. Areas you want to improve in business school?
Interpersonal skills. 说自身做为我们*人实际上蛮out going的,可是*传统文化就很委婉啊,因此 希望来到海外还能变成一个out going type.
9. Q