第六节 名词在句中的功效

考试点一 名词(词组)作主语
填空中经常会出现语句中缺乏主语的题目, 大部分都必须填入名词或名词短语
In 1964 ----of Henry Ossawa Tanner's paintings was shown at the Smithsonian Institution.
(A) was a major collection
(B) that a major collection
(C) a collection was major
(D) a major collection
回答: (D)
解释: 此句主语残缺不全, 且宾语动词was shown 需与奇数主语配搭, 故填入奇数名词词组. (A) (C)中的was均与文中was矛盾, 违反了宾语*的标准, (B) 使原话变成仅有从句无主句
The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medieval alchemists.
解释:语句的主语应选用名词方式, begins 是动词的第三人称奇数方式, 不可以放置the以后作主语
考试点二 名词(词组)作宾语
In 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introduced a ----to New York's rock'n 'roll fans.
(A) new dance, the twist
(B) twist, was the new dance
(C) twist, the new dance that
(D) new dance is the twist
回答: (A)
解释: 宾语动词introduce的宾语不详细, 由空格前的a可毫无疑问应填入名词词组, (B) (D) 都用宾语构造可*先清除, (C) 中的that没法与空格后的一部分组成从句, 仅有(A) 合乎名词作宾语的规定, 在其中分号后是名词作同位语
Instructors at the school of American Ballet first examine a young applicant's instep to see whether it is pliant and shows promising of a good arch.
应改为: promise.
解释: 修饰词promising不可以作动词show的宾语, 需改为名词