美国研究生申请很多同学们根据套磁老师教授而得到 OFFER和大学奖学金,针对美国博士申请套磁至关重要,下边梳理共享了一份美国博士申请套磁模板,期待对大伙儿有一定的协助。

Dear Prof. XXXX,
I am XXX XXX, currently a college senior at the University of Toronto, Canada. I'm studying in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences with Pharmacology and Economics being my double major, and I am about to receive my degree in the coming June. However, I am very interested in programs that are more quantitative and analytical, such as the QCF program at your university, and I hope to pursue an education in this program at my master's level of studies. I understand that admission to these programs at your university is highly selective, and usually such programs require a good command of mathematics and computational skills of the applicants. So I plan to strengthen my background in these two fields at U of Toronto over the next year and apply to your program for application for Fall 2011. Therefore, I do want to listen to your authoritative analysis of my situation and plan ahead. Would you please kindly look over my transcript and offer me some suggestions as for what other courses I need to take in order to meet your prerequisite requirement and to enhance my competitiveness for admission? I have hereby scanned my transcript and would you please refer to the attachment? Your reply and suggestion will be greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.
Sincerely yours,
根据上应对美国博士申请套磁模板共享,坚信针对许多 计划去美国出国留学期待与美国大学老师教授套磁的人能够参照所述的信息来编写合适自身的套磁信。