
It is surprising news bound to bring joy to students studying for exams everywhere. The best way to memorise newly-acquired knowledge is to go to sleep, scientists believe. Researchers in Germany found that the brain is better during sleep than during wakefulness at resisting attempts to scramble or corrupt a recent memory. Their study, published in Nature Neuroscience, provides new insights into the hugely complex process by which we store and retrieve deliberately acquired information -- learning, in short.
Fresh memories, stored temporarily in a region of the brain called the hippocampus, do not gel immediately, earlier research showed. It was also known that reactivation of those memories soon after learning plays a crucial role in their transfer to more permanent storage in the brain‘s ’hard drive‘, the neocortex.
During wakefulness, however, this period of reactivation renders the memories more fragile. Learning a second poem at this juncture, for example, will likely make it harder to commit the first one to deep memory.
Lead author Dr Susanne Diekelmann said: ’Reactivation of memories had completely different effects on the state of wakefulness and sleep. ‘Based on brain imaging data, we suggest the reason for this unexpected result is that already during the first few minutes of sleep, the transfer from hippocampus to neocortex has been initiated.’ After only 40 minutes of sleep, significant chunks of memory were already ‘downloaded’ and stored where they ‘could no longer be disrupted by new information that is encoded in the hippocampus’, she explained.
医师 Susanne Diekelmann说:“大脑各自在*持清醒状态和错乱状态时,解决临时记忆的实际效果是截然不同的。根据大家全新对大脑的剖析,当人到处在轻微睡眠质量状态时,也就是刚进到睡眠质量的前2分钟,大脑内的海马体向大脑‘电脑硬盘’大脑表皮层的转换主题活动就会被激话,历经40分钟的睡眠质量,新吸收的知识就会彻底‘免费下载’到大脑电脑硬盘中,变成*性记忆。换句话说,睡眠质量反倒是吸收全新知识的*好方法!”