常言道,松花江后浪推前浪,前浪死在沙滩上。电脑上等信息时代的到来,促使信息越来越愈来愈关键,另外针对信息的把握和共享也越来越愈来愈关键。在互联网时代到来以前,大家钦佩的超级偶像都還是邱作敏,王朔这么多年近不惑之年的人。可是新的时代促使时代的超级偶像变为这些可以得到信息,把握信息,生产加工信息,及其传送信息的人。在这个时代,蒋方舟、任志强、马云,立在了时代的*前沿,接纳许多人的星期,她们无一例外全是把握互联网,擅于运用互联网,而且日常生活在互联网上的人,她们立在了时代的*前沿,无论她们真实身份几何图形,她们全是和时代深深融合在一起的人,蒋方舟根据blog证实了男生的杰出是用時间来考量的,马云根据网络交易证实了互联网针对全球的更改工作能力,任志强根据甚少证实了人依然能够 针对自身忠实。互联网时代,流量为王!什么是流量?便是current!current这一英语单词,我们在一开始学得的情况下,是“当代的”的含意,可是在托福考试当中,很显而易见“流”这一概念的调查,是与“当代的”这一概念的调查是齐头并进的。并且大家也要留意“流”的概念能够 十分普遍,不仅是水流,还能够是“现金流量”,“电流”等理论上的流。

/ ?k?r?nt; �Ak??nt/ adj
[usu attrib 一般作定语] of the present time; happening now 如今的; 现行标准的; 当今产生的: current issues, problems, prices 现阶段的议案�p 难题�p 价钱 * the current issue of a magazine *一期的杂志期刊 * the current year, ie this year 2020年 * current events in India 印尼的重要新闻 * her current boy-friend 她如今的男友.
in common or general use; generally accepted 通用性的; 行驶的; 被广泛接纳的: current opinions, beliefs, etc 广泛的观点�p 信念等 * words that are no longer current 已不通用性的词 * a rumour that is current (ie widely known) in the city 在城内广泛散播的谣传. =>Usage at new 使用方法见new.
> currently adv at the present time 当今; 当下: our director, who is currently in London 本企业的执行董事, 如今纽约.
# ,current ac`count (esp Brit) (US checking account) bank account from which money can be drawn without previous notice 活期储蓄帐户. Cf 参看 deposit account (deposit2), savings account (saving).
,current af`fairs events of political importance happening in the world at the present time 时事热点.
,current `assets (commerce 商) assets which change in the course of business (eg money owed) 速动资产. Cf 参看 fixed assets (fix1). current 2
/ ?k?r?nt; �Ak??nt/ n
[C] movement of water, air, etc flowing in a certain direction through slower-moving or still water, air, etc (水�p 气等的)流, 流动性: The swimmer was swept away by the current. 哪个游水的人被急流卷离开了. * She had to swim against the current. 她务必逆着水流往上下游. * Currents of warm air keep the hang-gliders aloft. 悬架式滑翔机藉着暖气旋在高空飞行.
[U, sing] flow of electricity through sth or along a wire or cable 电流: a 15-amp current 抗压强度为15安培的电流 * Turn on the current. 接入开关电源. * A sudden surge in the current made the lights fuse. 工作电压忽然*烧断掉*险管而使灯泡灭掉. Cf 参看 alternating current (alternate2), direct current (direct1).
[C] course or movement (of events, opinions, etc); trend (恶性事件�p看法等的)趋于, 发展趋势, 趋向: Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village. 沒有一切事影响村内一向平淡的生活. * We must try to counteract the present current of anti-government feeling. 大家应当勤奋清除现阶段的那股反政府心态.