
以前一个对于*几家实力较好高校的作文范文的数据调查报告,20 篇作文范文中名词化的应用频率为7%-8%,而一般*作文的应用频率仅为5%-6%。此外,采用了20 篇说英语的国家学生英语*作文,一样的方式统计分析出其名词化的应用频率为10%-15%。有些人也是戏讲到,老外眼里语句分成3个级别,*烂的是积极句,不错的是被动句,倒装句等,*好是的nominalization(名词化)的语句,那样的语句**研究*合适写毕业论文。那麼应对那样的差别,大家必须再次思考大家创作中的思维方式,怎样恰如其分又不“邯郸学步”。
简易说,名词化就是动词或修饰词被作为名词的状况。例如动词转成名词:discovery-》discovery, move-》movement, refuse-》refusal,又例如修饰词转成名词:careless-》carelessness, difficult-》difficulty, intense-》intensity。那麼什么情况,大家必须开展名词化呢-
A 宾语动词的宾语一部分
原句:I do not know either what she meant or what he intends.
名词化:I do not know either her meaning or his intentions.
B 融合处于被动方式
原句:If people decide without enough persuasive information,。..
名词化:If a decision is made without enough persuasive information,。..
C 替代例如从句中“the fact that”的使用方法
原句:The fact that I denied what he accused me of impressed the jury.
名词化:My denial of his accusations impressed the jury.
更强的名词化:a. When I denied his accusations, I impressed the jury.
b. In denying his accusations, I impressed the jury.
D 名词化一部分用在there is/are的后边
原句:We demand that the government stop taxing entertainment.
名词化:There is a demand for an end to taxation on entertainment.
原句:The floods considerably eroded the land.
名词化:There was considerable erosion of the land from the floods.
A 名词化一部分跟在动词后边
原句(名词化“沉余”):The police conducted an investigation into the matter.
改后:The police investigated the matter.
B 名词化一部分做为主语
原句:Our discussion is concerned with a tax cut.
改后:We discussed a tax cut.
C 持续开展名词化
原句:a. First, she reviewed the evolution of the dorsal fin.
b. There was a first a review of the evolution of the dorsal fin.
改后:First, she reviewed how the dorsal fin evolved.
D 联接一部分名词化
原句:Their cessation of hostilities was because of their personnel losses.
改后:They ceased hostilities because they lost personnel.
原句:The instability of the motor housing did not preclude the completion of the field trials.
改后:Even though the motor housing was unstable, the research staff completed the field trials.