
如CareerEducation Corp,纳斯达克:CECO,
The Education ManagementCorp。
How many credits aretransferable to other schools?
What is theschool’sgraduation rate in the program you are looking at?
Does the school accepttransfer credits?
How many courses do youneed to take to graduate?
What is thestudent-faculty ratio?
How much money does theschool spend on education materials versus recruitment andmarketing?
What is the total costof admission, tuition, books and other fees?
What isthe
average amount ofstudent loans students graduate with?
Does the school have ajob-placement program?
Academy of ArtUniversity
�C San Francisco,California
Allied College
�C MarylandHeights, Missouri and Fenton, Missouri
Allied AmericanUniversity
�C Laguna Hills,California
American CareerCollege
�C Los Angeles,California
American College ofEducation
�C Illinois
AmericanInterContinental University
�C multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Career Education Corporation
American MilitaryUniversity
�C Online
American PublicUniversity
�C Online
American SentinelUniversity - Online
�C multiplelocations
�C multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Education ManagementCorporation
Arizona Summit LawSchool - a subsidiary of InfiLaw System
The ArtInstitutes
�C multiplelocations; not to be confused with University of The Arts, asubsidiary of Education Management Corporation
ASA College-campuses inBrooklyn, midtown Manhattan, and Miami
�C Clinton, Iowa,a subsidiary of Bridgepoint Education, includes Forbes School ofBusiness
Ashmead College
�C multiplelocations
ATI Enterprises-campuses in Arizona, Florida, and Texas
Banner College
�C Arlington,Virginia
Banner Institute
�C Chicago
Beckfield College - asubsidiary of Quad Partners
Berkeley College
�C New York andNew Jersey; not to be confused with University of California,Berkeley, Berklee School of Music or the Berkeley College at YaleUniversity
Blair College
�C ColoradoSprings, Colorado
Blue Cliff College, asubsidiary of Quad Partners
Breckinridge School ofNursing and Health Sciences - multiple locations, a subsidiary ofITT Education
Briarcliffe College-Long Island, NY, a subsidiary of Career EducationCorporation
Brooks Institute ofPhotography
�C multiplelocations
Brown College
�C MendotaHeights, Minnesota; not to be confused with Brown University inProvidence, Rhode Island
Brown MackieCollege
�C multiplelocations, a subsidiary of Education ManagementCorporation