第二节 限定词

名词到底要用单数還是复数, 与名词以前的限定词有非常大关联, 限定词一般分以下几种:
a /an, every, one, another, each, either, this, that, such a, many a, etc.
词组: Each of them has two books.
You can read either book. (两本你能随意读一本)
these, those, many, such, other,
超过one的数词(ten, hundred, thousand, million…),
a few /few /fewer /fewest, a (great /good / large /small) number of, several
one of, all (of), some /any (of), most (of), a lot of, lots of, the rest of, plenty of
3.以后既可接单数又可配复数: the, no, his, her, their, my, etc
考试点 否定限定词no
(1) no既可用以可数名词复数前又可用以单数前, 表明否定实际意义. 比如:
No flowers in the garden. 公园里没有花.
No one is here.
(2) no与否定副词not的区别是改错题的普遍考试点。 二者的区别取决于:
no立即修饰名词, 不可以与别的限定词另外出現;
not一般出現在be动词或助动词以后, a, an, any等限定词以前, 它是否定式的构成因素, 而不是名词的限定词
The mechanism by which brain cells store memories is ---- clearly understood.
(A) none
(B) no
(C) not
(D) nor
回答: C
表述: 此句主谓详细, 据选择项得知空白需填写适合的词使原话变成否定, 仅有否定副词not能够 和is相互配合组成否定句, A、B、D 以后都必须名词短语, 不符合文题
Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when Frances Perkins became secretary of labor.
应改成: No
表述: Not是否定副词应放置be动词或助动词以后, 且它与单数名词间要加冠词, 而no是修饰词, 能够 立即修饰后边的名词