
布兰迪斯大学(Brandeis University,通称Brandeis)是坐落于美国密苏里州墨尔本地域沃尔瑟姆镇的一所极具整体实力的民办综合型大学,创立于1948年,尽管办校迄今仅有短短60多年的历史时间,但却早就身名出众,被称作“美国*年青的研究所大学”,有着“犹太人哈佛大学”(Jewish Harvard)之美名。布兰迪斯大学尊崇小班课程讲课,塑造精锐为核心理念,大学本科和硕士研究生总人数仅在5600人上下。在以哈佛大学、MIT为先的,高等学校众多的密苏里州墨尔本地域,布兰迪斯大学位居在其中八大科研型大学和五大*大学之一。学校不论是在商科专业,细胞生物学,物力资源,数学课,社会心理学,或者人文学科等技术专业层面和科学研究都会美国遥遥*,高等教育在美国墨尔本地域基本上众所周知,是麻州一所不断发展的实力较好大学,为当红美国实力较好大学的*人。
Brandeis University 的申请分成ED和RD二种种类,申请规定是一样的,仅仅截止期各有不同:
If you are an international student applying as a first-year student, the following are the required components of your Brandeis application:
Completed application: Submit your Brandeis undergraduate application. The application includes a personal statement or essay.
Transcripts: Official copies of all high school transcripts as well as marks from any national exams. If the original documents are not in English, please submit both the original documents as well as English translations.
Official standardized test scores: All candidates must take either the SAT (given by the College Board) or the ACT Assessment Test with the writing section. All tests should be completed by the end of January of the senior year. Additionally, international students for whom English is not their native language should submit results from either the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Applicants who, for four or more years, have attended a high school where the primary language of instruction is English are exempt from this requirement.
Two teacher evaluations or letters of recommendation from teachers who have instructed you in core academic courses (Math, Science, History, Foreign Language, or English).
School profile and a letter of recommendation from a secondary school official.
Financial documentation
If you are applying for financial aid, you must submit:
CSS Profile
Supporting financial documentation, demonstrating the funds that the family will contribute to the applicant’s education for first year of study. Examples are statements of earnings from employers, certification of finances from banks or other financial institutions, or tax-returns.
(If you are unable to submit the online CSS Profile, you may send the International Student Financial Aid Application [pdf] instead.)
If you are not applying for Financial Aid, you must submit:
Certification of Finances for International Students
Supporting financial documentation, demonstrating the funds that the family will contribute to the applicant’s education for four years of study. Examples are statements of earnings from employers, certification of finances from banks or other financial institutions, or tax-returns, if such are available.
Other Requirements and Information
If you are applying as an Early Decision I or Early Decision II applicant you are also required to submit a completed Early Decision Agreement Form.
If you have been out of high school for a year or more, and are applying for first-year admission, please submit a brief statement explaining what you have been doing since graduating from high school.
We encourage international applicants to visit Brandeis and, if possible, schedule an interview with an admissions representative.
节选自Brandeis官网:Applying to Brandeis should be a fun and open experience that allows us to get to know you on a personal level. Our holistic, student-centered review takes into account your academic performance and potential and your out-of-class activities and the depth of commitment you have shown to them. In the end, we seek students who we think will fit well in the Brandeis community and contribute to it in their years on campus.
Brandeis是根据Common Application申请的,因而必须进行CA的主文书,对于Common主文书的题目和规定在这儿也不过多阐释了,关键说下Brandeis的几篇额外文书:
Why would you like to attend Brandeis? (250 words or fewer)
这一题目是很普遍的WHY SCHOOL类的文书题目,规定学生回答为何要申请布兰迪斯大学,回答这类难题应留意以下内容:
1.*先去学校官方网站掌握学校,非常就是你很感兴趣的学校及其技术专业,由于不论是哪所学校,全是期待在*行业获得大伙儿的认同,因此 在回答这类难题时主要缘故提议从*层面做答,学生能够从技术专业特性,课程内容,科学研究或是见习新项目等层面下手,融合自身的*或是职业发展*,谈一谈学校的这种新项目能如何协助你完成你的这种总体*;
Attention International Applicants: Brandeis attracts students from many corners of the world. As an international student at Brandeis, how would you enrich the campus community? Please provide your response below. (250 words or fewer)
这个问题相对性简单一点,学生只需融合本身的详细情况来做答就可以。提议能够跟自身的*总体*融合,例如一位申请电子信息科学的学生,他另外也对歌曲很感兴趣,他想在未来设计方案出一款营销推广古典乐曲的手机软件,而他相信在给自己的理想勤奋时也可以enrich the campus community of brandeis.