摘要: 法语入门学习之不作性数配合词。法语入门学习对于初学者来说,非常重要。学生在学习法语的时候,经常会遇到一些由外来语转变而成的法语形容词。在这里,朗阁小编为大家介绍一下不用做性数配合的词汇,希望对正在进行法语入门学习的你有所帮助。一些由外来语转变而成的法语形容词不用作性数配合,列表如下:法语…
法语入门学习In French, adjectives normally have to agree with the nouns they modify in gender and number. However, there are numerous adjectives which don"t agree - they have a single form that does not change to reflect the gender or number of the noun. These are called invariable adjectives.
French adjectives borrowed from other languages are usually invariable: ad hoc ad hoc
a priori a priori
antitrust anti-trust
法语入门学习:baby baby
beat beatnik
cantilever cantilever
charter charter
cheap cheap (poor quality)
法语入门学习:clean clean
cool cool
curriculum vitae curriculum vitae, résumé
dance related to dance music
design designer
destroy destroyed, trashed, wild
express related to espresso
fahrenheit Fahrenheit
free-lance freelance
法语入门学习:fun fun
funky funk
furax furious
glamour glamorous
gold gold(en)
gore gory
gratis free
groggy groggy
halal halal (in accordance with shari"a principles)
法语入门学习:hi-fi hi-fi
high-tech high-tech
hot hot (jazz)
kascher kosher (in accordance with Judaic principles)
kitsch kitsch
indoor indoor
inuit Inuit
jazzy jazz, related to jazz
kif-kif same, identical
kitsch kitsch
lambda averge, typical
light light, low in calories
marengo Marengo
法语入门学习:offset offset
offshore offshore
out out of touch, (tennis) out
people celebrity
pop pop (music, art)
pro forma pro forma
punk punk
record record
relax relaxed, informal, laid back
revolving revolving
select select, high-class, posh
sexy sexy
snob snobby, snobbish
solo solo
soul soul (music)
sport casual, athletic (clothes, shoes)
spot (economics) spot
standard standard
stand-by stand-by
sterling (pound) sterling
tango bright orange
top great, best
trash trashy, base, tasteless
vaudou voodoo
vidéo vide
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