摘要: Rank2010SchoolNameSchoolChineseNameIELTSscore1AustralianNationalUniversity澳大利亚国立大学6.5,W66.5.W62TheUniversityofSydney悉尼大学6.5(noband<6)6.…
Rank 2010 |
School Name |
School Chinese Name |
IELTS score |
1 |
Australian National University |
澳大利亚国立大学 |
6.5, W 6 |
6.5. W 6 |
2 |
The University of Sydney |
悉尼大学 |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
7(no band <7) |
7.5(no band <7) |
3 |
The University of Melbourne |
墨尔本大学 |
6.5(W 6) |
6.5(W 6) |
4 |
The University of Queensland |
昆士兰大学 |
6.5 |
5 |
The University of New South Wales |
新南威尔士大学 |
6.5 |
6 |
MONASH University |
莫纳什大学 |
6.5 |
7 |
The University of Western Australia |
西澳大利亚大学 |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5 |
6.5 |
6.5 no individual band less than 6.0 |
6.5 no individual band less than 6.0 |
8 |
The University of Adelaide |
阿德雷得大学 |
6(W&S 6; R&L 5.5) |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
7(W&S 7; L&R 6.5) |
(contact school for score) |
9 |
Macquarie University |
麦考瑞大学 |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
7(W&R 7) |
10 |
RMIT University |
皇家墨尔本理工大学 |
5 |
6 (no band less than 5.5) |
6.5 |
7 (no band <6) |
6.5 (no band < 6) |
6.5 (no band less than 6.0) |
6.5 (no band <6) |
8 Minimum of 8 in all modules |
5.5 |
11 |
Flinders University |
弗林德斯大学 |
6.5 |
12 |
University of NewcastleEWCASTLE |
纽卡斯尔大学 |
5.5 |
6.5 |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5 |
6.5 |
13 |
University of Technology, Sydney |
悉尼科技大学 |
6(W 6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
6.5(no band <6) |
7(W 7) |
14 |
University of Wollongong |
卧龙岗大学 |
5.5 |
6(exc Arts, Commerce, Education & Health) |
6 |
7 |
15 |
Curtin University of Technology |
科廷科技大学 |
(contact school for score) |