7月,上海市教育联合会高官来斯蒂文森学院,就推动“在职人员英文语言表达教师证书” (ICELT)培训事项,彼此开展了见面。2020年夏天,上海市教委早已送过来26名教师参与该证书的培训课程内容。斯蒂文森学院是英国*一所经牛津大学认同而设立此培训项目的组织,以往两年间现有数批我国教师接纳了斯蒂文森学院的培训。上海市教委的本次到访,不仅使大家能从授课的教师那边立即得到口头上意见反馈,并且也为商讨该培训项目的日后发展趋势出示了机遇。
SCE welcomes Shanghai Municipal Education Officials Officials from the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission visited SCE in July for meetings regarding the progress of the In-service Certificate of English Language Teaching Qualification (ICELT), for which they have sent 26 teachers this summer. SCE is the only Cambridge accredited provider of the programme in Scotland and has been receiving groups of Chinese teachers for the past couple of years. As well as receiving verbal feedback from the teachers attending the course, the visit provided an opportunity to discuss the future development of the programme.